Endoscopic Ultrasound-guided Stent

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Hot Spaxus Stent
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Hot Spaxus is used for the drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst or gallbladder through a transgastric or transduodenal approach.


Lumen-apposing SPAXUS™ Stent
● Prevent migration and maintains anastomotic conduit between two adjacent organs
● The flexible flare design helps accomodative apposition regardless of the wall thickness
● 8,10,16mm diameters enables to apply to various indication
Electrocautery Delivery System (HOT SPAXUS™)
● SPAXUS™ Stent is pre-loaded on the Electrocautery Delivery System
● It has an electrocautery tip which is designed to penetrate the tissue of the target organs
● Delivery Profile 10Fr / Working Length : 180cm
● Compatible with therapeutic echoendoscopes having a working channel of 3.7mm diameter or larger

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Spaxus Stent
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Spaxus Stent is used for drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst or a gallbladder through transgastric or transduodenal approach.


● Prevents migration and maintain lumen apposition
● Fully silicone coating prevents leakage and in-growth
● The flexible design helps accommodative apposition regardless of the wall thickness
● 8, 10, 16 mm diameter enables to apply various indicati

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